
Showing posts from January, 2022


For my mesh mashup, the most popular concepts that were decided on were my mushroom house and my plant pipe. I noticed that the pipe was actually an idea one of my critiques had, but all in all I went with it despite this because I wanted something that I believed would have the most appealing visual. I also thought that the concept with its organic and man made elements would be an obvious contrast. My critics agreed with this and advised for me to take the plant matter further and emphasize the growth of it, or maybe even put some animals in it. I didn't personally enjoy the look of the product after I put some birds in it, so I kept it as shown here.  I developed a smoking habit during winter break and guess this spoke to me the most and my fear of the long term repercussions of smoking. Definitely thought of this while out on a smoke break talking to my sister I think the end product is a strong example of remix culture in an easily recognizable way. The pipe which is understoo