
Final papercraft project

Final papercraft sword is printed and ready. Somehow there is a peice of the handle that is missing that i wasnt able to include with this version?  Overall the project turned out successful as the swordnis cohesive and doesn’t fall apart, but if i had to further improve this i would have definatley added more tabs as there is some openings with small gaps. I think this model could benefit from another revised version and isnt the most well constructed it could be.


 For this assignment, we were told to come up with concepts for 3d hollow forms and then combine one of our forms with our partner's and create a concept mashup that would result in a self supporting structure. Final concept Mashup In the end, our mashup resembled what we called a torch and was a fusion of both a simple "yoyo" shape and a soft serve ice cream/ flame shape created by my partner.  Partner's Concepts My concepts


 For our prototypes, I decided to recreate the Hattori Hanzosword from Kill Bill. I chose this because I wanted an object that came with several parts, like a sheath and for it to be interactive in that way. I also just really love Beatrix Kiddo and have wanted to be her my whole life.  I didn't get much time to work on this as much as I originally wanted to, but I'm trying to add more bells and whistles with the better version I print out. 


     To prepare for our first papercraft assignment coming up, we've been assigned the task of doing research on various well known papercraft artists. There were a few that I found especially incredible, like Vincent Tomczyk and their hyper realistic paper sculptures or Li Hongbo and their strange, flexible sculptures that defy how we traditionally think of paper. However for myself, when I think about who I want to be as an artist and what inspires me, I had to make this post about Matt Shlian. Shlian has been asked before on his website was his artwork "means" and rejects this notion that the artwork like the ones I have posted have one singular meaning, as interpreting and reading into a piece of art is something that is meant for the viewer. Art isn't something that is made and the creator tells people what to think of it- it is up to the audience to determine whether the craft of it speaks to themselves in a particular way. I can't help but wonder though wha


     For this week, we had to tinker with Rhino and create 3D models of any objects we would like. When doing this project, I found inspiration from the items in my purse as well as what was on my work desk I have set up at home. I had a lot of technical complications with this project I found- I was having a hard time getting the planes to lie flat for some reason, and when I 3D rotated them they just would not lie flat. I am under the impression these are planar surfaces too- so I wasn't quite sure why this was happening. Either way, I have 8 separate parts for both items and for time's sake I need to submit this and diagnose the problem in next class.  Object1- Puffer Just my puffer I have in my purse. This was broken into three separate pieces- this one specifically was pretty straightforward, and UnrollSrf sufficed pretty well with this one. However, the next one posed a lot of issues for me because of its complexity.  Object 2- Table Lamp      This one gave me SUCH A HEAD


I have decided to go with a completely different direction in terms of which concept I chose, after seeing my previously made plant pipe already made in a prior post. After some discussion and critique from a classmate, I decided to render my "Feeding Time" concept. A bowl that eats the food that's poured into it.  I enjoyed tinkering with this a lot and seeing the different levels of customization each platform had to offer. I decided to give the bowl a happy face and a cup of water pouring into it to build on the concept. Look how happy he looks now.  Original Thingiverse objects are here below.


For my mesh mashup, the most popular concepts that were decided on were my mushroom house and my plant pipe. I noticed that the pipe was actually an idea one of my critiques had, but all in all I went with it despite this because I wanted something that I believed would have the most appealing visual. I also thought that the concept with its organic and man made elements would be an obvious contrast. My critics agreed with this and advised for me to take the plant matter further and emphasize the growth of it, or maybe even put some animals in it. I didn't personally enjoy the look of the product after I put some birds in it, so I kept it as shown here.  I developed a smoking habit during winter break and guess this spoke to me the most and my fear of the long term repercussions of smoking. Definitely thought of this while out on a smoke break talking to my sister I think the end product is a strong example of remix culture in an easily recognizable way. The pipe which is understoo